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One of the great parts of being a credit union in this community is the opportunity we have to give back to the area we call ‘home’.  As many of you know, by coming in to the branch, reading our social media or catching up on the website–we are deeply invested in supporting local charities and we extend the opportunities to you, our members, to help as well.  And help you do!  It seems each year there is more demand for charitable support and we do our best to apply our limited resources where we can.  To that, we wanted to highlight the charities we support so you can have the opportunity to learn where your donations go and why we, as a credit union staff, support these valuable entities helping our neighbors.

Dawson Place

Dawson Place - A child advocacy center like few others we've ever seen, located in Everett providing safety, justice and healing to victims of child physical and sexual abuse, assult and neglect.  How can you help?  They have two wishlists of items that they are always in need of; inexpensive items that go a long way to helping a child or teen feel comfortable and at east.  Read more about Dawson Place and how you can help, click here

We have taken our support of Dawson Place to a higher level, where it used to just be a financial donation in year's past, now each Spring we chair an annual supply drive and fundraiser where we reach out to neighbor credit unions in an effort to make a bigger impact on a bigger need. Please join us by collecting items and bringing them in to the branch any time we're open.  Follow this link to see the "teen" list, or for the younger group, follow this link for the Amazon wish list.  Thank you for your help.

How can you help in 2024?  Glad you asked!  We are doing a supply drive in July 2024.  You can use the links above to find items to purchase and bring to the branch and we will gather and take to Dawson Place the first part of August.  Look back here for the photos and to see how well we did!


Everett Animal ShelterEverett Animal Shelter is committed to providing care and comfort to the homeless and abused pets in our community.  They do not turn any animal away. They take in stray animals, owner surrender pets and animals that have been seized by law enforcement as part of cruelty/investigation cases from 16 jurisdictions.  The need for care grows every year and in 2022 SnoCope wanted to partner with EAS to help with supplies and funds, now it has become an annual event.

To read more about their need and how they care for all the animals in our community, follow this link to read the Spotlight on EAS.  You can help by donating to "Fund for the Animals" by following this link.  They are always in need of supplies and have Amazon wish lists for all the critters.  For dogs and cats, follow this link; for small animals, follow this link.  SnoCope will do an annual EAS support drive in Spring, a effort to gather supplies and cash donations.  Please drop off any supplies you'd like to send to their facility.

Read about the fanstatic 2024 results here

Christmas house

Christmas House - Providing gifts to children of Snohomish County was originally the brainchild of Roy Fraser, who in 1981 re-purposed toys in his garage to make sure the kids in his neighborhood had gifts for the holiday.  This was the beginning of Christmas House, a non-profit that the SnoCope Family and Members have supported for many many years - and the need continues to grow every year and now they face even bigger challenges. 

Read how amazing the 2023 gift drive/fundraiser went here...


YMCA Women's Shelter - The YWCA Pathways for Women Emergency Shelter, is a shelter that has provided safe housing and resources for single women and mothers with children experiencing homelessness in Snohomish County for more than two decades, it has 13 rooms for short term shelter (typically 45 days). When families move into the shelter, they often arrive with very little. Your donation of food or funds will be used to provide nourishment while families settle into a safe place before transitioning to a more permanent residence and a new way of life.

How you can help...SnoCope has an annual food drive (including personal products and some clothing) and a fund raiser for their operations.  You can bring in your food and other supply donations to the branch and/or donate cash. Cash donations are greatly appreciated.  You can donate at any teller station when you visit the branch, or call in and donate, we can take your donation right over the phone or you can even message us from Online Banking with your donation.  100% of donations go directly to the YWCA for the Pathways Emergency Shelter.  You can bring in non-perishable food donations and personal products and place them in the donation box at the branch.  For suggestions, look for information in November or follow these links:  Food suggestions personal and other items needed here

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